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Monday, 11 March 2013

Spelling Practice

Spelling Bee

Practice For Spelling Bee

Lesson - 1

Md. Rafiqul Islam
Asst. Professor

1. Choose the correctly spelt word.

a. Volantoryb.Volantary
c. Voluntary d.Voluntory

2. Choose the correctly spelt word.

a. Tsunamyb.Sunamy
c. Suname c.SunameeS

3. Choose the correctly spelt word.

a. Accilerateb.Accelerate
c. Accelerrate d.Accilarate

4. Choose the correctly spelt word.

a. Ascertainb.Assertain
c. asertain d.asartain

5. Choose the correctly spelt word.

a. Buracratb.Bureaucret
d. Bureaucrat c.Buracrate

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